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Enterprise Europe Network in Portugal

The network offers support and advice to businesses across Europe and helps them make the most of the opportunities in the European Union. Our services are specifically designed for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) but are also available to all businesses, research centers and Universities across Europe.  

The Enterprise Europe Network is made up of close to 600 partner organizations in more than 50 countries, promoting competitiveness and innovation at the local level in Europe and beyond.

Whether you need information on EU legislation, help finding a business partner, want to benefit from innovation networks in your region or need information on funding opportunities, this is the place to start.

The Enterprise Europe Network in Portugal intends to implement a single integrated and professional regional network of business and innovation support services.

The main objectives are to provide an easy and friendly access to EU-related information and knowledge that is relevant to SME competitiveness, and, at the same time, by building on the broad and cooperating experience gathered within the Consortium. By so doing, the Consortium should provide a highly qualified service for technological and innovation transfer.
In addition to providing these services it will improve on the field, directly and via its online portal, consultations and other activities in order to provide EU structures with valuable feedback data concerning EU policies relevant to SMEs (SME policy, Cohesion policy, Regional policies, Single Market, etc), thus enhancing the mutual understanding of needs, opportunities and constraints, and strengthening the sense of European citizenship.

This project also aims to help Portuguese enterprises to face the global competitiveness challenges, by easing their access to high standards of valuable and relevant information and knowledge. It also contributes to increasing management qualifications, thus promoting economic growth and entrepreneurship as well as more and better qualified employment.

It also follows the two main guidelines: the  “no wrong door” concept and “excellence, proximity and professionalism” of network partners within the Consortium and will focus on promoting the above concepts close to other organizations via different types of cooperation and relationships established with the Consortium partners.

This Consortium partners

This Consortium involves the following partners:

IAPMEI - Portuguese Agency for SME and Innovation, under the Ministry of Economy is the main instrument for public economic policy addressing SME’s in a wide range of business activities (excluding Tourism). Its main goal is to set a favorable framework that enhances Competitiveness and Innovation. Activities cover a wide range of dissemination of specialized information and good practices, advice, training, investment grants and other financial tools to SME support.  Services provided by IAPMEI are designed to fit all phases of a company life cycle, from fostering entrepreneurship, business start-ups and business development, to providing support in business transfer, and also critical stages like failure and dissolution.
Besides a wide range of services available on-line (general and theme-specific information, legislation, preliminary advice, diagnostic tools and others) IAPMEI supports the SME’s through a network of fourteen local offices spread over Portugal (mainland). These local offices will act as an additional contact point in the framework of the services provided by PORTUGALINOVA NET. IAPMEI has also been host of an EIC office since 1989. IAPMEI is acting as the leading partner in the Consortium.

ANI – National Innovation Agency, has the mission to promote innovation and technological development. ANI acts as a bridge between business and research. ANI shareholders are the Ministry of Economy  (50%) and the Portuguese Ministry Education and Science (50%). At national level, ANI networks with other players of public administration, Technological Centers, business associations and other key participants of the Scientific and Technological Portuguese Innovation System fostering cooperation with Portuguese SME’s. While acting in the international arena, ANI also promotes international cooperation linking EU, Asia, Latin America and relevant R&D international organizations. ANI has been the coordinator of the IRC Portugal since the beginning of the IRC Network in 1995, having previously participated in the Value Relay Centers Network.

ACIF – CCIM – Business Association of Funchal / Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madeira,  is a private and non-profitable entity. Since 1836 ACIF-CCIM has been an active player  in the promotion of economic development of the Madeira Autonomous Region. Supported on its relevant historical background, it stands for a high representativeness of all business sectors. ACIF has over 1,200 affiliated companies distributed as follows: 63% Trade and Services, 23% Manufacturing and 14% Tourism.
ACIF is engaged in promoting a better business environment and support to business activities, in order to foster the region’s economic growth and social development, by bridging the gap between public policies and SMEs and providing business support services.  Since 1990 it’s the host structure of the Euro Info Centre of Madeira.

AIDA – Business Association for the District of Aveiro. AIDA´s mission is to represent, promote and support the companies of Aveiro District aiming to reinforce entrepreneurship and business environment. AIDA acts as a facilitator platform for Aveiro’s economic and social development. AIDA represents 7,200 companies located in 19 municipalities and Aveiro District covers all relevant business sectors.
Among AIDA´s main goals concerning SME support services are: dissemination of qualified information, promotion of inter-firm cooperation, internationalization and innovation (process and products), actively working as partner of the current EIC European network.
AIDA activities address one of most dynamic, entrepreneurial and innovative regions, working closely with Aveiro University, fostering a strong partnership with SME’s and presenting high levels of R&D activities.

AIP: AIP, founded in 1837, is the Portugal's oldest national and multisector non-profit business association. The AIP launched 14 regional associations that support SMEs competitiveness in all regions of Portugal. In this sense, reaches more than 40,000 SMEs from all economic sectors. As a Chamber of Commerce and Industry, it disseminates economical information and promotes business cooperation, entrepreneurship, innovation, internationalization, training and funding of companies. The AIP held a European Information Center (EIC) in the past.  

CCIPD - Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Ponta Delgada – Business Association of S. Miguel and Sta Maria Islands, AZORES, covers all relevant business sectors and aims to represent and promote a better business environment, by fostering economic development and providing business support services to local companies.  CCIPD acts at three levels: social partner, economic partner and as a promoter of business foreign trade.
Among CCIPD´s main goals concerning SME support services we find: dissemination of qualified information (legal and thematic), training and preliminary advice (legal, quality, environment, and economics), actively working as partner of the current EIC European network.

CEC/CCIC - Entrepreneurial Council of Centro - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Centro was constituted 1993.  Currently counts on a network of 40 Business Associations of all the sectors of activity, representing more than 91,700 companies, aiming to foster homogeneous development on the six Districts included in the Region Centro of Portugal (NUTS II).
As Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Centro Region CEC, CEC/CCIC aims to contribute to the internationalization of the economy of the Region, developing joint contacts and efforts with other Chambers of Commerce and Industry in different countries, in order to share experiences and essential knowledge for the development of business opportunities and corporative competitiveness.

INESC TEC: Is an Associate Laboratory with more than 30 years of experience in R&D and technology transfer. Present in 6 sites in the cities of Porto, Braga and Vila Real, INESC TEC incorporates 13 R&D Centres and one Associate Unit with complementary competences, always looking to the international market. INESC TEC was created to act as an interface between the academic world, the world of industry and services and the public administration in Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Electronics (ITT&E).

LNEG: LNEG carries out research, testing and technological development activities mainly in the areas of Energy and Geology. Its mission is to promote science and technology innovation, aiming to increase companies' competitiveness and internationalization within a framework of sustainability. Within the scope of its competences, LNEG   takes up the role of an interface between results generated by R&D programs and their technological transfer and integration into the energy and geology areas.



Enterprise Europe Network  - Portugal
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IAPMEI - Parcerias para o Crescimento ACIF - Associação Comercial e Industrial do Funchal – Câmara de Comércio e Indústria da Madeira AEP - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria AIDA – Associação Industrial do Distrito de Aveiro AIP – Associação Industrial Portuguesa
ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação CCIPD – Câmara do Comércio e Indústria de Ponta Delgada CEC – Conselho Empresarial do Centro/Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Centro INESC PORTO – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P.
Enterprise Europe Network UE - Comissão Europeia

EEN – PORTUGAL, 2015 – Todos os direitos reservados

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